How does it work, to go the Midwife route?

This is a question myself and many Independent midwives gets asked at the first contact or call.

The short answer..

  • The midwife become your primary caregiver during your pregnancy, you will see your midwife for all your Antenatal and Postnatal visits 
  • The midwife will assist you in all stages of the birth of your baby, either at home or at a birthing center.
  • You are responsible for your scans, blood test, finance assistance, back-up Dr and backup Hospital in case of transfer.  
  • Home birth requires commitment, physical and mental/spiritual preparation. (for both mom and dad). You  are responsible for your own mental/spiritual health. 

Although I do not do births anymore, I am happy to see you for advice and direction – please come and see me to discuss your questions and options regarding your birth.

Here is a more detailed answer:

Depending on where you are in your pregnancy path, the answer can differ. Mostly, moms engage in this question with the proposed midwife even before she is pregnant, or when planning to become pregnant.

I would like to put my answer out there in a way that makes it possible to decide for yourself if the midwife route is for you and what your needs would be -The answer can also  depend on where you are in your birthing journey: Planning, Just Pregnant, further along?

When you decide to go the midwife route there is a few things to keep in mind or let’s rather say plan to be in mind.

Ask yourself the following questions first:

  • Where will I be as a person on this pregnancy road, an important question for your emotional wellbeing, as this “place” mostly dictates your outcome.
  • Which medical healthcare facility will I use as my back up hospital? / which facility do I WANT to use , and which one can I afford to use.
  • Who will I choose as my back up Obstetrician( answer will be in line with your previous question’s answer)
  • Will my medical aid cover my birth and would I have to pay for everything out of my own pocket?
  • If further along your pregnancy – Is my pregnancy classified, Low Risk? Or is there medical reasons which makes it better for me to give birth at a hospital?


Your midwife will see you from 18w, monthly up till 24w, from there onward 2 weekly till 36w, and then weekly till the birth of your baby.
Midwife consultations normally replace Obstetrician visits , unless you have an issue and needs referral.

Midwife visits entail the following:

  • monitoring of your blood pressure
  • urine test
  • certain blood tests like Hb( hemoglobin/iron)
  • Hgt ( blood glucose)
  • fundal growth
  • lie of your baby
  • fetal heartbeat( Doppler)
  • weight gain.
  • wellness check-in.
  • listening and answering of questions.

Visits to your midwife will also set you at ease, discussing full spectrum of your health, that of your baby, planning your diet… Discussing different birth options as well as personal issues arising. Your next visit planning as well as helpful information surrounding birth and health issues.

Supporting you and your partner ( and other members of your family). Expect discussions around birthing your baby, when to call your midwife as well as special things to consider when it is time to go into labour.

Blood Tests

Iron levels , Vit D and Vit B12 levels.
Why is this specifically important?
It is important cause Iron and Vit D grows Brain, Blood and Bone in your baby. If you have a deficiency there will not be enough stores to grow these important factors for your baby. Vit B 12 deficiency can interfere with the uptake of both vit d and iron. So when you go for your blood test to determine the pregnancy hormone and confirm your pregnancy, do these 3 important ones as well. If you are deficient in the above it can also lead to an unwanted miscarriage.
A Full blood count, HIV antibodies, Syphilis, Hep B, Rubella antibodies as well as Blood group and Rhesus antibodies will be done with your 1st or follow up visit at your midwife or Obstetrician.
( above tests can also be done free of charge at your local gov clinic or rapids at any Dischem, Clicks pharmacy and or at your midwife, again, ask what tests is available when speaking to your midwife. Taking of blood for the blood tests, and sending it for analysis, is for your account and not included in Antenatal or Birth Fee’s)


  • Early dating scan: between 7 & 9w to confirm pregnancy and intra uterine implantation
  • 12-14w scan: This is your first growth scan and determines that your baby is healthy and growing.
  • 20-24w scan: This is an anomaly scan which will lift out any growth abnormalities, anomaly’s and placental lie problems if any.
  • 36w scan: Your last scan with your Obstetrician to detect the lie of the baby, placental and umbilical blood flow as well as amniotic water indexes.


For detailed information, please see the buttons below.  Here is a quick overview:

  • Antenatal visits are paid per visit – budget monthly for this. Budget for between 12- 16 visits depending where you  are in your pregnancy. (This is usually not included in the Home Birth price)
  • Postnatal Visits are paid per visit: 2- 3 will be required to give you and your baby the best care and for me to sign off on both of your health. (Not included in the Home Birth price)
  • The price quoted for the birth is usually for the Birth Day only – assisting you in all 4 stages of birth.
  • Travelling costs should be budgeted for and confirmed with your midwife.
  • Additional costs for your own account: Scans, Blood tests, Obstetric check-up if required.
  • Breast feeding advise and support is included in the Postnatal Visits, but additional support visits will be charged accordingly.
  • A deposit on the Birth Day Fee is required to book your space with a Midwife.
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